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The connection between Beethoven and the Henschel Quartet is not a matter of style, but of essence. Both embody a relentless pursuit of truth in music—raw, uncompromising, and beyond personal taste.

February 2025

Dr. Ulrike Keil, festival director Streichquartett Biennale

Henschel & FRIENDS and Herbert Schuch, piano

30th anniversary concert 2024

(c)Jonas Kvarnström

Kurt Schneeweis (c)Brand

Interview with Kurt Schneeweis, Rathauskonzerte

November 2024

How did it come about that the Henschel Quartet became a regular guest at the renowned Rathauskonzerte?

The quartet left its first musical calling card in Vaterstetten back in 2005 with a program that combined Mendelssohn, Webern and Beethoven. This concert was recorded by Bayerischer Rundfunk and testified to the ensemble's extraordinary charisma. The quartet's later performances also provided unforgettable moments - be it with Schubert's “Winterreise” in a captivating version with Christian Elsner or with deeply moving interpretations of Ravel.

It has become rare for organizers and audiences to accompany the entire artistic career. Why do you remain loyal to the Henschel Quartet in particular?

Over the years, the Henschel Quartet has remained a reliable artistic fixture - an ensemble that not only impresses with the highest quality, but also with flexibility and creativity. Whether as Henschel & Friends or as an intimate quartet, the ensemble always manages to touch its audience with masterful musicality.

The Henschel Quartet will continue to be present in Vaterstetten in the future - a sign of consistency in a time of change. While the concert landscape has changed, one thing is certain: when you experience the Henschel Quartet, you don't just hear music, you feel its magic.

Henschel Quartet plays seamless Mozart, Debussy at Flagler


March 21 2018, Dennis D. Rooney

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Henschel Quartett hits its stride in a rousing finale


March 07 2018, Marcio Bezerra

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Quartet playing in the flow of the music

Tirol Morgen

February 18 2018, Kronen Thomas Nußbaumer

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Sweet tonal splendour, stormy temperament

Neue Presse
December 05 2017

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Um tiraço no porta-aviões


July 11 2016, José Alberto Vasco

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Relentless energy from a fiery quartet

Peter Quantrill, October 13 2015

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Quartet set high standard for society’s 98th season

Huddersfield Examiner
October 7 2015 by Suzanne Smelt

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10 ways to achieve long-term success with your string quartet

The Strad
October 1, 2015

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Henschel Quartet Offers Necessary Balance In Music, Life

By Jim Ruggirello, Gazette Columnist
Thursday, March 19, 2015

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The Need To Breathe

Classical Music Magazine
January 2015

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Janacek . Schulhoff . Sibelius

January 2014 Caroline Gill

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Interview – The Henschel Quartet´s short list of advice to young performers

The Strad
October 2013 issue

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Complete Beethoven Trios and Quartets Off to a Great Start

Seen and Heard International
Michael Cookson, January 14, 2013

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The elite group of string quartets today

Seen and Heard International

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Beethoven festival gives Paul Driver maximum pleasure

Sunday Times
20 January 2013

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